Welcome to RvSnoop
RvSnoop is a graphical application that provides developers and operations support personnel with a sophisticated and feature-rich interface for tracing TIBCO Rendezvous messages. RvSnoop is cross platform and will run anywhere there is a suitable Java virtual machine.
Download a Binary
The links above are for the source code, but you can download a pre-built binary of a recent version from here.
Building from Source
RvSnoop is built with Ant, just run ant
from the root directory.
All of the open-source dependencies are already included in the lib directory so there is nothing to worry about there.
The TIBCO proprietary dependencies are expected to be in the standard /opt/tibco
location, if they are not then you may create a build.properties file with alternate paths, look at the init
target in build.xml
for information about how to set this up.